Categories Archives: News

December 25, 2017

Happy holidays to all our friends around the world! We don’t care which holidays you celebrate, but we hope you are having a good time at it! We are also happy to let you know that we’ve just scheduled two more shows for 2018, and one of them   More...

Please be advised that there is a change to the February 2 show at Bowery Electric. Ten Ton Mojo has had a conflict come up with their recording studio and will not be able to make it that night, so we have contacted a couple of other bands to join the bi  More...

Hey! You may have noticed a change in the look of the website today; that’s because not only is it our first show with the new guys tonight, but our SSL certificate has been installed! So you may now buy anything in our store with the confidence tha  More...

Are you excited yet? The first show with Russ and Jay is this coming Thursday at Desmond’s Tavern! And even better: this is actually Jay’s first-ever appearance on stage! Fortunately, this is not going to be his last one; we have several more   More...

We would like to extend our congratulations to Matt and Melissa Donovan, who welcomed their second boy into the world over the weekend. That’s now TWO future guitarists in the Donovan household! We are told that all is well in Colorado with the enti  More...